Sunday, August 19, 2007

Post Script

My friend Brenda asked me if I had gotten a job and realized that I hadn't really mentioned this yet and realized that people keep asking. Just to let all of you who have been wondering and asking, I have taken a job with my old district for the upcoming school year. I will be working .8. For those of you who don't work in school terms, that equals 32 hours a week. That will be nice. At least if I get my schedule set up the way I want it, it will be.

Date night

On Thursday night, we had date night. We went to Canterbury Park to watch the horse races. It was pretty fun. There were nine races and I think I won on all of them except for two: the first one and some random one later. The first one I didn't win because I was timid and scared and didn't really know how to place a bet and made a solitary bet and didn't pick well enough I guess.

Then after that we went to Mystic Lake Casino. I was pretty proud of myself for having gone to the horse track and only spending $16 the whole night. So I put $20 in the first machine and cashed out when I was down $5. Then I moved on and made some money and got back to even. This up and down $5 went on for a while and I was pretty excited that I had been playing for so long on the same $20. That was until I went over to Sonny and saw that he had hit some jackpot or whatever and had won over 7000 credits. So after he won all those credits he decided to play max credits a couple times before moving to the next machine where he hit a jackpot and won an additional 4000+ credits. I was sad after that. Not sad that he was winning, but that I was still only on my first $20 and hadn't made any money.

So I went off to play a different game. I told Sonny where I was and ventured off. After playing for a while, I began to worry that Sonny was losing all the money because he wasn't coming and wasn't coming over to find me. But finally he did. He said that he had gotten up to around $300 but had played down to $250. He sat down next to me and played down to around $180. Meanwhile, I was hitting the bonus quite a bit and I even got to play the progressive jackpot and had worked up to $90. But in the end, I cashed out the $20 I put in and Sonny cashed out $150.

Moral of the story: When you are up at the casino, you should always cash out and then if you want to keep playing that machine, put $5 back in so you don't lose all your winnings.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

My cousin Chris's wedding

This past weekend we were up north for my cousin Chris's wedding. He got married in Bemidji. For the love of St. Pete, I can't figure out, and never did remember to ask, why they got married there when they live in Grand Forks. It was a nice wedding. Although I have to say that the fact that it was outdoors made me go out and buy a less fancy dress because I wasn't going to sit outside in 90+ degree heat and sweat for the wedding. But actually, the wedding was right outside of the hotel, looking out over the lake and it was cloudy and so the weather was breezy and just right. It was a very quick wedding...probably 20 minutes, if even that long. So, I guess I could have worn what I was originally going to wear, but the dress I bought was comfy enough that I could have even slept in it, so it was no big loss.

It was fun to see family that I haven't seen for a while. It was also fun to see the brand new baby of my cousin's. His name is Grady and he had just gotten out of NICU prior to the wedding and so you had to use hand sanitizer before you could hold the baby. However, no one really got to hold him because my cousin wanted my dad to hold him during the wedding because she was a bridesmaid and her husband was an usher. The only reason that I think I got to hold the baby is because a slow song came on and her husband asked if she wanted to dance and I said I would hold the baby so she could dance. He is so, so cute!

The hotel that we stayed in was very nice. My husband stayed in a Hampton Inn and Suites before and was not impressed so he was not really looking forward to this one until he saw the room. He said it was the nicest Hampton he had ever been to.

In fact, it was so nice that it made our suite at the Hilton, for Saturday night, seem like a dump. I told my husband that I was not impressed with the Hilton this time and that for New Year's, we might as well stay at the new hotel (the CanadInn) since I was that unimpressed with the Hilton on Saturday.

I can't think of anything else really to say and I am tired of telling Lukin to stop playing with the cord for the camera so I better get going for now.

Chris, you had a beautiful wedding and we are so glad we were able to be part of it.

Amanda's birthday

Well, I meant to get to this a lot sooner. I wanted to talk all about how much fun Amanda's birthday was. I wanted to tell everyone that if you have never eaten at Sander's (as I never had) that you should try it. They have really good salmon. I wanted to tell about how much fun we had at 'Overtime' (For the record, I hate that name. Sorry Neil.) I would tell about these two guys that kept bringing shots over for the five of us girls. It was a fun night and I wish I would have written in here sooner so I could have talked about it. :)