Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Same song

Have you ever been in your car listening to the radio and gotten bored with the song that was on? Have you ever changed it to find that another station is playing the exact same song? I have. And when this happens, the first thing that pops into my head is I begin to wonder if someone in the band died that more than one station would be playing the song at the same time. Well, I only think this if the song isn't currently in the top 20. This happened today and I wondered if Jason Mraz was okay because his song was on two stations.

Speaking of Jason Mraz, after his song Dave Matthews came on and it made me think of that skit from SNL where the cast is dressed up as Jason Mraz, Jack Johnson and Dave Matthews and they are on "The Mellow Show". The one I am thinking of has the real Dave Matthews playing Ozzie Osbourne making fun of Dave Matthews. That skit is so funny.

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

1 year ago today

So one year ago, at this hour, I was finding out that I was fully dialated and that I wasn't going to be getting the epidural that I had been hoping to get. In less than one hour, I would be greeting my brand new baby boy...

I have to say that it's strange to put your baby to bed saying "happy birthday" knowing he isn't even one yet.

But HAPPY BIRTHDAY anyway, my little prince. Mommy loves you.

Monday, June 07, 2010

Mixed bag

So I have been feeling a mixed bag of emotions since yesterday afternoon. Let me explain what all is going on.

1. Lukin went with my parents to Fargo for the week. Little P and I will fly up there either Friday or Saturday for the weekend and come back by Monday as we have things going on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week.

2. In Lukin going, he will miss his baby brother's first birthday. (Sonny says not to feel sad about this because Lukin thinks that Parker's birthday was on Saturday when we had the party.) That and Parker won't even know that Lukin missed his birthday, again because the party was over the weekend.

3. Parker turns one tomorrow. I am super excited for him to turn one, but sad at the same time. When he turns one, that shows that he is getting bigger and more independent and my little baby won't be my little baby anymore.

4. This is the last week of school. That always creates conflicting emotions because I always get attached to my kids and want to see them do well and always have to hope that they will continue to do well without me. One student realized today was the last day that she will see me and she gave me a great big hug. Then she said those words that made me sad: "I'll see you next year." I never know how to handle those words. Part of me wants to be honest with the kids, and part of me wants to protect them from feeling sad. So I usually don't tell the kids.

So all in all, a pretty mixed bag. Some exciting things happening this week and some sad things happening. Some both. Actually, most are both.

5. The final thing I am worried about was a rumor I had heard at work. I had heard that last year a couple people received the letter telling them that they weren't going to receive a continuing contract and then were called in and fired on the last day anyway. I'm nervous about that. I haven't done anything to get fired over, but I am nervous anyway. I just want to do the things that I need to do (see the kids, finish up paperwork, etc.) and not worry about that.