Friday, March 09, 2007

Up and Running (literally and figuratively)

So, I have been on a bit of a hiatus from my blog. I know it has only been a couple of days but it has seemed like forever. The reason is quite simple really. Our computer has been naughty over the last couple months and then I called to get it fixed and I ended up having to dump everything from the computer and reconfigure the whole thing. So, this entry is my first since I got it up and running only a couple hours ago. (Technically, it was up and running on Wednesday but I wouldn't use it until I had purchased some software to make it safe to use the computer. In other words, a virus had been the culprit of the problems we were having.) Needless, to say, now I am way overprotective. But that's not necessarily a bad thing.

'The Boy' has been sick. And in typical baby fashion, it doesn't involve the upper portion of his body (although he did have a runny nose a couple days ago) but rather messy pants several times a day. The kind of messy pants that ruins an outfit, or at least makes him change outfits three times a day. I'll just start calling him Basir Tareen, because I think he used to change outfits three times a day (not at school mind you, but anyway.)

So, he was up a few times during the night last night like at 10:00 pm, 2:20 am, tried to put him back in his bed at around 3:20 am, but that just woke him back up and he had to come back to bed with me. I woke up at 4:30 am, and put him in his bed and then collapsed back into bed for that last, albeit crucial, hour of sleep before the alarm. Alarm goes off at 5:30 am, think to myself, just nine or ten more minutes, wake up at 6:30 am. CRAP! I have to be in a meeting at school at 7:30!! Needless to say, it was the fastest I have gotten ready in a long time, although I am sure no one could tell I rushed, except that I used hair gel instead of mousse. The bad thing was that I didn't have time to feed Lukin, or change him, or dress him, or even play with him. I was sad. But we got a chance to play after school and so it was okay. I was just amazed that he made it through the night without pottying through his clothing...again...

That's about all I got. I am exhausted. Must go close eyes now. I think I have a ton of things I want to do this weekend and I won't get any of them done with no sleep under my belt.

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