Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Oh yeah, my weekend.

I don't know if I remembered to talk about my weekend. We went to San Francisco for the Twins game. I can't believe how cold it was. I have always had this apprehension about going to California because I didn't want to be that hot. Quite the contrary! I was quite cold the whole time. I wore a tank top under a shirt with 3/4 sleeves, then I brought my jean jacket and had to buy a fleece jacket to wear too!! I can't even know how Sonny got through the whole day in shorts. Brrrrr...

There was a lot of walking involved. Mostly, the walking all happened in regards to getting lunch. It was so freaking far to walk to get to lunch. Sonny didn't think we would have to walk as far as we did. I was so frustrated that I was a real joy to be around.

That's all I have to say about that. There was a bit of walking involved with going to the game but of course the outside of a baseball/football field is going to be rather large. That wouldn't have been so bad if we wouldn't have walked so much just to have lunch.

Contrary to what Sonny thinks, I did have a good time on our whirlwind trip.

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