Thursday, July 12, 2007

Live Earth, Bad Computer, and the like...

So it's been a few days since I wrote in here last and I don't even know where to begin. I could talk about how we went to Cavalier again for the fourth of July, but nothing really significant sticks out except that Stacie and I gave Lukin a haircut outside and he was crying so hard that I thought someone was going to call the cops. Other than that, it was another week of hanging out at the parents' place and keeping a low profile.

The drive to Grand Forks is where the true ranting can begin. The rental car we had had satellite radio and there was some commercial for something that I thought said, 'Live Birth'. I looked at Sonny and said, "I don't think I would want to listen to a channel that talks about live births." He said, "no, it's this concert called Live Earth." I'm like, "What's Live Earth?" He says, "It's a concert to raise awareness about conservation." I think for a moment and then ask, "Why do we need a concert to raise awareness about conservation? Why can't we just conserve?" To which he replied, "Exactly." I don't understand why there are all these stupid causes out there. Not that conservation is a stupid cause, but most people know about it and it seems to waste more energy and natural resources preparing for, and having a concert to raise awareness than it would to just get talking about it.

Besides, everyone is pretty aware of my views on topics like this. I hate how celebrities use their celebrity status to raise awareness. It's like, some celebrity decides to go to Arizona in the summer and notices, when not coked out, that it is really hot there. So they return to their well air-conditioned home in LA and decide that something has to be done. Someone must be the crusader to raise awareness about how hot it is in the Arizona desert in the summer!!

How about instead of raising awareness about stupid stuff, why not look at something real? It bothers me that no matter what state I work in, no matter what school employs me, there are always students that you send home at the end of each day not knowing if they will eat again before lunch tomorrow. Why doesn't someone, besides me, care about that? Why are we sending all this money to other countries and on causes that are not the most important priority right now? I don't understand at all.

Next topic, since we know I could go on for days about that last one. Sunday night I was trying to complete an application for a job down here in the cities, online. It was going alright until it needed me to go to a separate site to complete a survey which basically asked me a bunch of redundant questions, and then return to upload all my letters and resume and stuff like that. Well, it decided that it was going to pretend that it was going to upload stuff but not actually upload anything. And me, being as patient as I am, was screaming at the computer because I thought it was stupid to waste all this time on a school that wasn't even organized enough to call me back after an interview two years ago.

Well, time passes and it has now been 4 hours working on this same app. and I am still super calm as I tend to be and Sonny comes upstairs. I scream, "That is just great! You have got to be kidding me!" I didn't mean to stay up until he got up for work, but that is how that went. I was so mad that I had to tell Sonny all about it, and not in a quiet manner, like a person should talk at 1 am. Sonny spent the next hour or so on damage control.

I was so frustrated/upset. I hate that I am not tenured and that I am constantly looking for jobs every year. I hate that I have to fill out apps that look exactly the same for several different districts over and over again. Lastly, I hate that it takes anywhere over an hour to complete any of these things...let alone 4 hours.

Well, needless to say, I didn't return to the computer for a couple days. I am still tired of filling out apps, but hopefully the next ten or so days away from the computer will help.

Last subject before attempting to put all the pots and pan back in the drawer since Lukin felt we needed a percussion solo or two this morning. Sonny was supposed to start his 13 days of vacation today. We went over to his parents house for supper and marbles last night and then when we came home he had missed three calls from work. He listened to his voice mail to find out there was overtime available. He sat on the couch and I think he was waiting for me to say yes or no to him. I told him he could work it if he wanted to. He said he didn't want me to be mad. I said that I understood why he wanted to work it: overtime money equals more vacation spending cash. That and the fact that your wife has no job lined up, doesn't help either. He just kept repeating that he didn't want me mad. And I have to say that I am not mad, exactly. I am just sad.

I can't remember the last time that he had a day off when we were here. I can't remember the last time that he got to get up and have breakfast with his son. I can't remember the last time he brought Lukin down after breakfast to wake mommy up so we could play. And it makes me sad that he always seems to be working. I know that I joke about being a single parent because I do a lot of stuff with Lukin without him. But it makes me somewhat sad sometimes that he can't be there with us too.

Well, enough about that. Off to chase the little drummer boy.

1 comment:

A. Rae said...

The funny thing about Live Earth is, how many jets were flown to get those famous assholes there? All the waste created by the people attending? Think about it.

You're right - let's not fix the problems we have that demand immediate attention (ie the kids that might not eat everyday) - we should cut down thousands of trees so we can have magazine ads about Darfur and Global Warming and the like. Makes sense.

Maybe that's something you could do, Jennifer. Write some grants, start programs to help those kids. The government has so much money that goes to way stupidier shit, why not take it and do good things with it?

Ever hear that famous quote, "You must be the change you wish to see in the world"? It's true. Maybe others will follow suit.