Monday, October 22, 2007

I heard the news today...oh, boy.

I was watching the news on Saturday night, and there was this story about some 16 month-old surviving something, but I didn't stay tuned because of the story that they felt was more important. Before the commercial break, and before the story of how some little kid survived something, there was a story about how the author of the Harry Potter seriers outed one of the characters. I believe his name was Dumbledore. Seriously? How is this story more important that some kid surviving something? I don't care if the kid survived a cold, it would still be more news worthy than Dumbledore being gay! It was more like the kind of story you would see on Entertainment Tonight rather than local news, and that is where it was, on the local news. Like I mentioned, I was so disturbed by the lack of judgment on the part of the news editors, that I turned the news off.

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