Thursday, January 17, 2008


So last night we took the little man to get a haircut. And may I say that he looks like he is going bald. He has such thick hair and the lady thinned it out and tapered it in the back and made it so older boy and ugly that I was sad. The lady seemed defensive as she was telling me that it was the most popular haircut. I don't care. It's a fine haircut but it's just that it makes him look older and I want my one-year-old to look like a one-year-old.

But that is not what I set out to write about. I set out to write about after the haircut. The Kids Hair is in the same parking lot as Applebee's, so guess where we went for dinner (supper, for your North Dakotans)? Anyway, there was a small child sitting a couple tables down from us. As we were finishing up our meal, the other family was leaving and Lukin noticed the little boy as they were walking towards us. I said something like, "That little boy is all done and they are going home." So Lukin was staring at the little boy, and the little boy was staring at Lukin. They just were staring at each other with these goofy grins on their faces and then the dad carrying the boy walked past and Lukin turned the other way and waved to the little boy and then they were gone.

I LOVE that about little kids. It's like they are part of this secret society that they belong to. And every little kid is part of it. So everytime they see each other, they give each other this smile that says that they know the other is part of 'the club' too. I especially love it when the kids (such as Lukin and the little boy from Applebee's) can't talk. They still smile at each other even though they can't have a verbal conversation (not that little kids would have really meaningful conversations anyway). It makes me smile. Maybe that is part of what their little club tells them for a reason why they have to smile: it makes the grown-ups around them smile too. I don't know, it's just cute. I love that.

1 comment:

A. Rae said...

I think it has to do with the fact that very young children (such as Lukin) don't have any prejudice or judgments against people. They have no ability to reason at such a young age that they are blind and deaf to others' faults.

I can only imagine that it is a nice way to be. I wish I were like that.