Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Lunar Eclipse

It's on days like today that I don't mind going to my second school. The kids are wound up and bad today. I was organizing stuff on my desk getting ready to pull the first two kiddos and then suddenly, I could hear all hell break lose in the hall. I had to run to the office for something and when I came back there was muffin all over the floor and a screaming sound coming from one of the break out rooms. Lucky me. It was the break out room right next to my classroom.

Well, I went to grab those two students and then decided that I better go grab the stuff because we weren't about to be having our session in my classroom today. So we were going to go to the elementary activity room, but the other elementary class was already there (they are on the other side of the break out room). So we were wondering the hallway trying to find a place to go. We eventually wound up in a conference room in the office. Those kids were just as loud as, if not louder than, the kid in the break out room.

Thankfully, the next kid was a nice break. He came with his laptop and an assignment to type. He sat quietly typing, knowing hte deadline is tomorrow, and only occasionally asked me a question.

But the next group were middle schoolers and they were naughty too. They would imitate every thing the other kids would say. It was like that game "parrot". It was driving me nuts...and some of the other kids who were trying to request a break out room to get away for a few minutes to refocus.

And finally, as I was washing my hands, just moments ago, for lunch, a kid was bawling in the hall by my room. Yay. Like I said, it makes me glad to get out of this building and go where only one of my students is verbal.

My guess is that they are behaving this way because of the Lunar Eclipse tonight. They seem to act up when weather systems go through, why not lunar systems?

P.S. In case you don't know, there is a lunar eclipse tonight.

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