Tuesday, May 27, 2008


So this weekend, I spent time with my grandma, her husband, my mom, and my son. There were others, but those were the main players in my weekend. And I have to say that it is funny how the more time you spend together, the more obvious the generational gap seems to be.

For example: On Saturday night, my grandma and her husband were preparing this big meal for the family so we could celebrate my son's 2nd birthday and my grandma's husband's 65th birthday. While they were in the process of preparing all this food, they got warm. Well, their solution was to turn the AC down to 70 degrees. Now, I know that if you are hot, that would seem like the logical thing to do. But I think it was this generational thing that made me upset that they thought it was okay to let the AC run at 70 degrees. At our house, we would never think to turn it down to 70 in the summer (nor would we let it be as high as 70 in the winter).

I just had to shrug my shoulders because what good would trying to lecture about preserving the planet do when explaining it to those who are older? I didn't know the answer.

On a side note, I also noted that the older you get, the more that you feel having floral patterned stuff if okay. I am glad I am not there yet either.

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