Wednesday, October 29, 2008


So on Friday night, Sonny and I went out for dinner before heading to the theater to see Saw 5. I know, I know. But it's become a tradition. We have gone to see every single one (with the exception of the first one) together.

Anyway, that is not the remarkable part of the story. So we go to the theater and pay and get a Sprite and go sit down and are waiting through the commercials (remember when there weren't commercials at movies?) and we see this family come in. That's right, I said family. There were, three or four adults and two small children: one about 3 or so, and one in 1st or 2nd grade. Seriously.

Now I can't get over this. And in fact I have a hard time focusing on the movie because of these small children at the horror flick. I was certain that once the movie started, the family would realize that it went in the wrong door and actually meant to be next door at Beverly Hills Chihuahua, a more family friendly flick (I would guess), but no. They stayed through the whole thing.

Throughout the movie, I kept waiting for some crying from the kids. But I heard no peeps. At the end of the movie, I turned to look back and the smaller child was sound asleep, and as we were leaving, the older girl was carrying on a normal conversation as if she had just watched some Disney movie. I couldn't believe it.

Then I got pissed. Working in the educational environment, it seems that everything we do, as educators, is wrong. But if, as parents, you choose to piss your responsibility to do a good job raising your children away, then far be it from me to say anything. I was so mad. I texted my sister and she couldn't believe they were there. She texted back, "Can you say therapy?" No kidding. I am still mad even five days removed from the situation.

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