Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Quotes that are too cute to delete permanently

So Amanda sent me a email today because she discovered her sent folder so I decided to look at some of my messages (over 600) and delete (some of) the unnecessary ones (since they go back to 2005), but not before taking the quotes that I like and putting them somewhere that I will always have them. (These are from the ones I have in 2005 up to the end of 2006, in case you gave me a good one that I didn't use.)

"He's like a glacier. You look and he's in one spot and you look away for a second and he has carved out some valleys and is on the move..."
-Amanda, after babysitting Lukin for 3 days

"It's out of my hands for now."
-Dave Matthews

"Ah, bingo...how I've missed you."
-Melody S., who used to work in a bar, when we went to Johnny's Lounge on Jenny's birthday to play bingo. (from Amanda's signature line a few years back)

A CASINO CONVERSATION: (that took place before Sonny and I were even officially dating)
PAUL (a guy at the blackjack table): Did your husband (referencing Sonny) leave you?
ME: He must have because I didn't even know I had one.

"I would have said more but it was hard to get a word in with you three."
-Sonny, after eating out with Amanda, Greg K., and I

"If you have more children, the minute you feel any type of twinge, get in here!"
-Heather, or delivery nurse commenting on my short labor.

"Piss is not a swear word. It's a noun."
-One of my 8th grade students

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