Thursday, July 30, 2009

Job Worries

It's almost August 1st and I still don't have a job lined up for the fall. This is not for lack of trying. Seriously. I am beginning to wonder what career choice I should have made since I am beginning to doubt that this was the one for me. I wish the phone would ring and it would be one of the four schools that I have interviewed at calling to tell me that they couldn't dream of a better candidate than me.

I don't know what my next step will be if I don't get a job offer. I know that will seriously put a kink in our desire to buy a house while there is the new homeowners tax incentive (or whatever that thing is called officially).

I want a job.

I want a home (not a townhome anymore).

I want to be able to provide for my boys.

I want to feel better about me (which I could if I got a job, instead of wondering what I am doing wrong).

I hope things start working out soon.

Thursday, July 09, 2009


I just wanted to let everyone know that surgery is over and it went well. Now I just have to deal with the pain. But like Stacie said, at least I know that this pain will go away (she had the same pain prior to having her gb out). Although, I am afraid to eat anything that I wouldn't have eaten since I had the attack on the 18th. I guess that will be the true test. My mom did buy me a Twin Bing (a candy bar we always like to share when she comes to visit), but like I said, I am still afraid to try it. Although, if I don't try it soon, I think Grandma and Lukin might take it.

In other news, I think I am going to try to get a picture on here soon of me and my boys. We haven't even taken a picture of the 4 of us yet. That might be because of me and never thinking I look okay for a picture, but now that I am the mom of two and am in recovery from surgery, I think that the bad hair (or undone hair) is just the way it's going to be. We need to take one before Parker graduates from pre-school.

Monday, July 06, 2009

Countdown to Surgery

So, surgery is 9 am tomorrow morning (or today, the 7th, depending on when you read this). I am looking forward to it being done because I had three attacks since July 2nd and they weren't fun. I am nervous though to have surgery. I keep asking my sister questions since she is the only one I know who has had her gallbladder out, but her procedure was different than mine will be. I am quickly having my last meal before midnight (pretzels and milk) and then off to bed to catch a few quick zzz's before Parker wakes and needs to be fed before we go.
