Saturday, September 12, 2009

No school for you!

So, we are all sick at our house. But I didn't know this when I went to bed on Wednesday night.

Thursday morning my alarm was set for 7:00 am. I was going to get up and shower quick before Lukin had to get up to get ready for his first day of class (new building, new teacher, and now he will ride the school bus). But before my alarm even had a chance to go off, I was awoken by a faint voice and a faint sound. I opened my eyes and looked around confusedly. To my right, I saw Lukin standing at the side of the bed saying, "Mommy," before gagging and throwing up all over himself and the floor.

Long story a little shorter, he threw up a total of three times that morning. Needless to say, I had to call and let the school and the bus company know that he would not be attending. And that took me back to my first day of full day kindergarten.

I was sick and missed school that day. School lunch was chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy. I still remember that and I don't know why. And as I went through school, I always attributed my slow running and poor ability in gym to the fact that I missed the first day of full day kindergarten, not my complete lack of athletic ability. Ha!

Anyway, now all four are feeling a little sick, anything from the sniffles, to head colds, to cough to sore throat, you name it, and one of us probably has it. Lots of fun at our house.

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