Sunday, October 25, 2009

So over it

I am so over my current job. I decided this after Friday when we had conferences from 7 am to 4 pm and I wasn't able to finish the list of stuff I wanted to finish. I ended up bringing a bunch of stuff home.

Under normal circumstances, that wouldn't bother me. But having seen the paycheck that I got this past week, I shouldn't have to do anything at work but breathe. You see, that paycheck could have only been the rate of pay that day-to-day subs get. It couldn't have possibly been the long-term-sub rate of pay.

I have an interview this week with another district for a full time job through the end of the academic year. I am keeping my fingers crossed. This is not to say that getting the position wouldn't cause it's own headache.

I spoke with the guy who hired me this week and asked him about what I would do if I was offered a full-time job elsewhere seeing as I don't have a contract (don't even get me started on that). I said that I would have to interview (which I am going to do) and get offered the job before it would be something I would have to worry about, but I just wanted to know. He eluded to having my license revoked. Over a long-term-sub position?!? Are you effin kidding me?!? I think I need a lawyer because that is just ridiculous!!


A. Rae said...

Ask Danny.

Juniper Spangletoes said...

I thought about that. I really did.