Monday, November 30, 2009

Worki-work, Busy Bee.

So last week was technically my last week at my current job. Today was supposed to be me bringing the regular SLP (although at this point, seeing as this is her first year at this building, I have been with the kids longer than she has) back up to speed. Well, she needed to do some things and so she asked if I would mind working with the kids. I didn't mind because it was supposedly my last day with them...

Well, it turns out that the SLP that just returned was there today, will be tomorrow and then will be off Wednesday and Thursday because she has to go to Illinois for a funeral. So she called her supervisor to see if I could come in and cover her days since she is getting charged for the days anyway and I was just here and know the kids better than she does. They gave her permission. She asked me, and I accepted, but only for Thursday. I have two job interviews on Wednesday, but Thursday will work.

This just lends itself to the fact that when things are going to settle down for me, (as they should for having just finished a job), things somehow manage to get more busy. It's going to be a long week with work today, subbing tomorrow at my old school, two interviews Wednesday and then back to my LTS school on Thursday...I won't be able to wait for Friday. But, that being said, I will be grateful for the paychecks all this work will yield.

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