Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Speech space, speech kid and my speech kid

So I talked to my supervisor today about some things that were bothering me. For example, on Thursdays, there are three speech people working and only one space for us to use. In the new space, there was supposed to be two quiet working environments, but there is currently only one. Then, as I sit and pump, I realize that no one is using the room that I pump in anymore (now that the music teacher has moved out of that office). But we are not allowed to use the room (except for me when I pump) because someone is going to use the room someday. Seriously?

The place frustrates me.

Then today, I had this little boy who is a little heavier. He told me that his mom told him that he weighs more than 35 elephants. I don't know the mom, so I don't know where this comment stems from. So I say to him, "You don't weigh as much as 35 elephants. Do you know how much that would be? That would weight as much as...(not being able to think of something, I came up with)...the school. Do you think you weigh as much as the school?" He said, "no. You want to know what I weight?" He told me, and I told him that wasn't as much as 35 elephants. I also told him that his mom was just kidding when she said that (even though I don't know that to be true). But why would a mom say that? Honestly.

Two sessions later, I have the previously mentioned student's brother. We were working on the /f/ sound and he gets the word 'food'. He creates the sentence: "My brother is fat because he eats too much food." I couldn't believe it. The poor little brother. There won't be any self-esteem issues there thanks to Mom and Bro. No. None at all.

In other news, after school, we went to Lukin's parent teacher conference. I realize that I ask a lot of questions, but I know, working in special education, that I am my own child's best advocate. If I don't advocate for him, who will? He is currently too little to do it himself. So it's up to me. But I feel like we came away with some good information about him, and I feel reassured about some things because he's the only 3-year-old that I know, so I have no frame of reference.

1 comment:

A. Rae said...

If I ever saw the mom of that kid, I'd punch her right square. That's incredibly inexcusable. I can't believe it. Well, I can, but it makes me mad.