Thursday, February 04, 2010

What else is new?

I'm stressed. It's almost like introducing myself. If you know me, you know that I get stressed. The stress is partly because of my job. But currently, it is also partly because we need to find a preschool for our three-year-old, and because I need to acquire a few more hours for my license before it expires in June and even though I know how to get those hours, I don't know what to do with them once I get them. So, like I said, I am feeling stressed. And crabby.

A lady at work, that I view as somewhat like a mentor has given me some advice, and I have taken it to heart. However, if I am to implement what advice has been given to me, it would take a toll on me, personally. My husband says that I am far too hard on myself. But I want to do a perfect job, and still be able to manage my personal life without feeling that I am sacrificing one for the other. And it's harder than it sounds.

I'm sure I will figure something out. And hopefully before I totally stress myself out.

1 comment:

KathyV said...

Deep breaths and count backward from 10...that's what they tell doesn't really work but that's what they tell me....Good luck to you!