Thursday, July 26, 2007

I needed a pick me up.

Okay so tonight after Lukin went to bed, I was online and tired of looking for jobs so I decided to go to youtube to check out my favorite periodic table song. It was pretty funny (as per usual). Then I checked out some Lewis Black clips which make me laugh because I think he is funny. Then I decided to check out my Damien Rice song. That was pretty interesting since I had never seen the video. And I have to confess that I never anticipated that the female voice was going to be a head balloon. That was an interesting twist.

Then I decided to check out some of my favorite songs. I was listening to Nelly Furtado's 'Say It Right' when I stumbled across the fact that I could watch (or listen to) a few of my favorite songs as Sims videos instead of as real people. I watched the Nelly Furtado song, Madonna's 'Hung Up', Pink's 'Family Portrait' (which I had forgotten I liked since I don't think I have heard it since I lived in Jamestown, and O-Zone's 'Dragostea Din Tei'. It made me feel better.

I have a not real interview tomorrow (or I guess later today noting the time). That ought to be fun. I will keep you all posted. My career options may be shifting if something doesn't happen soon.

Oh and one more thing: Amanda, you need to check out the 'What if the Beatles were British?' clip on youtube. It was slightly amusing. You would probably catch more of the songs than I did. Speaking of which, they also have Free as a Bird which I haven't seen since 1994 when it came out. I think I was sitting 10 inches from the tv. What?!? I was cool dambit!!

1 comment:

Juniper Spangletoes said...

Doh! I meant that you need to check out the thing about if the Beatles were Irish...way to be a notsmarthead.