Monday, September 17, 2007

Give me a break Sally Field

So last night the Emmy's were on. I don't necessarily care. But I watched. I mean, I like the shows I like, and I am going to keep watching them regardless of whether or not those programs win. That being said, there were some parts that I enjoyed and some parts that sucked.

For example, I enjoy Louis Black. Therefore, I enjoyed his little rant about what we don't want while we are watching a program. He's right. I don't need to know what is debuting in two weeks. I don't care about that show, I am watching the one I care about. Etc.

The part that I hate is when someone wins and that individual goes up on stage to claim their award and give their little speech and their speeches are about the war. Look, I don't care what you think about war, "The War" or anything about how you feel politically. I am watching this show because I enjoy the shows that people are in and I want to hear them thank their family, the team on the show, God, but I don't want to hear them go off about politics. If I wanted to know about someone's skewed vision of politics, I would watch CNN or MSNBC. I don't watch those channels because I don't care what random professor from random school thinks about the war.

So last night when Sally Field, of all people, wins her award and goes up on stage to claim her award, I didn't think she was going to go off about Politics. In fact, I believe she went so off about it, that they had to fake technical difficulties so we didn't have to hear whatever she said.

I hate that. This is why I hate Bono and all those folks who think that because they are famous that they have a say in politics. I don't care how many of the 'celebrities' are flaming liberals.

All I can say is that even if Bush hadn't been elected to a second term, I don't think that the troups would have been home a month after the Democrat took office. But we have to cut the celebrities a little slack because I highly doubt that most of them are MENSA members. So they probably weren't able to come up with that conclusion on their own. Besides, they are all about being on the band wagon anyway. I guess the more controversial the bandwagon, the more you get noticed. Whatever.

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