I decided that I needed to put a new picture of Lukin on here because it has been forever since I have updated the picture. That and we finally have a working printer to make some pics to send to family and friends again. It will be nice because now I have some new pictures to take to hang up at work.
Speaking of work, today is the unofficial last day of summer. School starts tomorrow and we really should be getting ourselves back into school mode, but the boys are napping and I am more content doing this than organizing other things right now.
I will hopefully be able to get on here more frequently in the next year again once I get my work computer again.
Well, better go plan the menu for the next week's worth of meals. Then after that, off to the grocery store...my favorite...
Nice bowl haircut, Mom. When I get there for your b-day, I'll fix it.
Love, Me.
He's not even 2 and he's already developed the eye disease!! Must be your child!! :) That is such a hilarious pic!
P.S. I'll remember that "grown-ups clean on their birthdays" crack when I'm there for YOURS. I'll lay on the couch and watch t.v. while you clean.
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