Wednesday, October 10, 2007

What kind of establishment?!?

So, as you are all aware, last weekend, we went up north to celebrate my birthday. We went out to dinner, not where we had originally intented, but it was good nonetheless. And thanks to Brenda for making the reservations for us, even though we had to wait 50+ minutes for our table because they thought we had 4 in our party and not 10. WTF? I don't know what part of 4 sounds like 10 on the phone, but the dude who took the call should have his hearing checked.

Anyway, after dinner, we enjoyed Amanda's homemade cake. It was yummy: chocolate tower with chocolate frosting. Everyone in the restaurant was looking at us. I think they were just jealous that no one that was in their party had made cake with fondant on it. Jerks. Either that or they were jealous that no one in their party was singing to them. Jerks.

So after the dinner, we ran back to the hotel to powder our noses and get ready to head to a local establishment. I won't say the name, but if you know me well, you can probably guess where we went.

So we were there and we saw this girl at the counter and she was hitting on this guy. Pretty soon we see her and the guy kissing and start making out. Gross. Go do this somewhere else. But that's not even the half of it because like 5 minutes later, that guy has left and she is making out with another guy at the bar. My sister and I are watching this girl, whom I 'affectionately' name, "Herpes Girl". I ask the bartender if there is a way to get "Herpes Girl" to go somewhere else. He tells us she is from Grafton, and that, in his words, "She is kinda slutty." Nice.

Anyway, the girl was smashed and the four of us girls sat and talked about how we would never let another one of us ever have something like that happen to us. We would cut the others off way before we started making out with random guys, etc, etc. As we are having this conversation, a couple guys come in that must be part of a wedding, because they are in tuxes, and the girl works her way over to one of these guys and subsequently drags him back to the men's bathroom.

We were horrified. First, because that was a terrible slutty thing for that girl to do. Second because we were at an establishment that has never been known for that type of activity. Third, because that kind of 'crap' probably happens all the time at other, lesser quality, establishments, but not at this place. The brother happened to be the brother of the owner and was worried that his brother was sitting at home, watching the establishment on the webcam, and was going to be mad or disappointed with him.

I hope that we don't witness another event like that there again. I also hope that the girl gets help. (I forgot to mention that she passed out in the bathroom while with the guy.) I hope she finds some real friends who wouldn't let that happen instead of sit at the table and ignore her while she drinks herself to alcoholic poisoning. And lastly, I hope I never see that girl skanking out there again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG...that is disgusting! I wonder if she knew any of those guys...especially the one that she ended up in the bathroom with