Wednesday, February 06, 2008

We can caucus if we want to, we can leave your friends behind.

So, my husband and I caucused last night. I had no idea of the time requirement that was involved. Or, I should say, the time that's required that is involved for caucusing for the correct party.

I believe that Democrats want the quick fix on everything and that is why they go in and vote and leave. On the other hand, the Republican caucus tooks nearly two hours. I had no idea democracy was so time consuming. So there we sat, listening to speaker after speaker talk. One of the speakers got up and was going on about not getting our voices heard by not showing up. Hello? We were there. In mass numbers. So much so, that they ran out of ballots. Hello? Why is he lecturing us. If that guy was running again, I wouldn't vote for him.

There was one 23-year-old running for a seat in the House for MN, I would vote for him because his speech was less boring that the lady running against him.

Then Governor Tim Pawlenty was there and gave a speech. Actually, because he is a busy man, he went first. It was interesting.

So I cast my vote for the candidate that I would like to see as Commander-in-Chief. I don't know that he is going to get there, but I did my part. Although, I hate to say this, after having spent the evening with a bunch of serious Republican thinkers, but I can't promise that I will vote straight ticket. That is why I didn't want to be elected to any delegate positions. I would love to help be an election judge, but that's about it. I don't want to have to swear to any one party, especially if I don't like a candidate in a specific category.

But one of the things I noticed that I had to comment on, was the fact that the Republican Platform includes a statement saying that (and I am paraphrasing) women who are able-bodies, should have to hold jobs in order to be eligible to receive any type of welfar benefit. I agree with that 110%. It's time to make people accountable for their actions. You can't just keep popping out babies and believe that popping out babies is your carreer and that is why you should receive free money. I just don't think that's right.


A. Rae said...

Our polls didn't open until 2pm. As you know, I work at 1:45pm.

Nice, North Dakota.

I guess when we vote for realsies next year for prez, I am going to write in my vote because my guy didn't even make it to the primaries.

This election year stinks.

Juniper Spangletoes said...

Really? We caucused. That meant you had to be there at 7, and it went until 9 pm. A very narrow window. But I guess the other party was an in-and-out thing. You came in and voted and that was it. Ours was like some crappy Parli Pro meeting from high school. It took forever and then some lady got pissed because two of the people she wanted to vote for to be a district delegate asked to be alternates so she wanted the voting to start over so she could use all seven of her votes. Lady, shut up and if you can't, go become a democrat. Maybe they will care about your whining about not getting your way. Oh wait, whining = Mitt Romney. I guess you can stay.

A. Rae said...

I'm writing in "Superman" for my vote.