Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Dear "Anonymous"

So a couple days ago, I was on this rant about how this guy that I used to know moved to another state and is now working for a private jet company...remember? Anyway, someone must have misinterpreted what I was getting at, and left this rant of their own in the comments. (To review the entry and the comments, see Happy and Sad entry (May 7th, 2008) and read the comments.)

Anyway, my husband gets this magazine called Aviation International News, and in the most recent edition there was an article called: ATA: bizjets are bigger polluters than the airlines. Sounds like I found the proof, that the individual who made the comment said, that I wouldn't be able to find.

In the article, James May, Air Transport Association president and CEO, "claimed that airline jets are five to six times more fuel efficient than corporate jets. '...carrying 200 people and cargo across the country in a single plane burns a lot less fuel than 33 separate corporate jets, each flying six people.'"

The article continues on talking about how airlines in the U.S. have improved their fuel efficiency by 103% between 1978 and 2006. And also about how, "ATA carriers have made a committment to improving thier fuel efficiency by an additional 30% by 2025."

So, I guess that if "Anonymous" didn't get that I was basically talking about the whole idea of commercial airlines being like the way to "carpool" in the sky, then I guess finding the information to support the bigger concern beyond that (that being increasing fuel efficiency) wouldn't really make any difference...except to prove that I am right, and not wrong as they suggested.

But again, I welcome all comments. This particular entry is dedicated to "Anonymous" who, by commenting, made creating this entry kind of like a game. And that was fun.


Anonymous said...

Let the game continue!...

Obviously, fuel burn data for jets will depend on cruise altitude, weight, winds, etc. But for approximate numbers: a Hawker 800A burns about 1700lbs/hour. In contrast, an Airbus 319 burns between about 4100 to 5700lbs/hour.

This still leaves the fact that the Hawker has many more airport options than the airline-run Airbus has...one of many reasons why corporate and other persons choose to use them.

Juniper Spangletoes said...

Look, I don't now, or never really did, care about where private jets are capable of going.

But the real question, in how it relates to the point I was trying to make, is how many people does the Hawker 800A carry in contrast to the Airbus 319? Your point would be relevant to me if each of those planes could carry the same amount of passengers. But alas, your 'better' plane doesn't even fit a fraction of the passengers an Airbus would.

Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous, Let me guess you're a UND aviation grad. Turn off "Top Gun" and get a life. Simple math proves your Hawker 800A/A319 comparison wrong. The hawker can carry what 12max, while the airbus and carry about 120pax. So let's do a lb per pax burn: Hawker 1700lbs/12pax = 142lbs per hour per pax. Airbus 5700lb/120pax = 48lbs per hour per pax.