Thursday, January 15, 2009

Tums Virgin

So in case you have been living under a rock and know nothing about what's going on with me right now, I am pregnant. Therefore, I am more prone to get heartburn, or so the websites say. Anyway, I got heartburn (or what the online symptoms describe as heartburn) yesterday for the first time EVER in my life.

I have to say that I am not a fan. So, I bought some Tums last night, but then talked to my mom after I bought them but before I took them and decided that I better consult a nurse in the morning before I took one. And I have to add that if I hadn't been extremely tired last night, I don't know that I would have fallen asleep because it hurt a lot.

Of course, I checked with the nurse this morning, but by this time the heartburn was gone. That was until after lunch. Then it returned. So I got to open my little 8-pack of Tums and take one. It wasn't as bad as I would have envisioned. Maybe it's because I bought flavored ones. Either way, if all I have to do to feel better when this happens is take one of these candy-flavored Tums, I think I can handle it. But we'll see how it goes.


Stewart the dog and Samsonite the cat said...

I love the tums... I think TR3 thinks I am giving him/her candy too!

PS... widget says you have already had baby according to my computer. Did you add your due date before you copied your HTML or whatever it is called??? I almost forgot to do that on ours.

A. Rae said...

Perry from Amoco used to chew on Tums and Rolaids like they were candy. Perhaps he had them confused with Necco Wafers.

Anonymous said...

One of our uncles used to chew on Tums and Maalox tablets like they were candy I remember from when I was little and being dad's "helper" on the farm. I prefer the soft chews (I think those are Rolaids), but some of the flavored ones are okay too.

Anonymous said...

Me having Acid Relux disease and am on Protonix daily for it, I know all about antacids and I would have to say take Rolaids, they seem to work the best!