Monday, April 27, 2009

Almost bedrest

So today I had a dr. appointment and my blood pressure was up. The dr. asked me if that was why I was put on bedrest during my last pregnancy, and I believe that it was. I jokingly said, "darn. not high enough to mean bedrest." My dr. then asked me if I wanted to go to work (and after today, I can't say yes very confidently). She said that it was important to eek out as many weeks as we can in this pregnancy amd with it still being early (only 32 weeks), this would be something to keep an eye on.

I had it there. It was so close that I could taste it. But then I went on to explain how there are only a few weeks left in this position and then the job would change and when that happens, it will be better. I don't know if I say that to reassure her, or to reassure myself.

Anyway, I "get" to go to work tomorrow. Hooray for me. Maybe I will have my BP checked at work a couple times to see how it's going. Here's hoping for the best, whatever that would be.

1 comment:

stacie said...

Rest and think happy thoughts....try not to get too worked up and show those kids who is boss!! (Nicely, obviously) :) You cannot go into labor yet....although I am excited to meet my new niece/nephew!!! Take care of yourself!!