Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Back to work post baby

I was thinking yesterday about having a baby. Or rather, I was thinking about returning to work after having a baby. I was wondering what, if anything, a person got accomplished the first day back. I mean, everyone would want to see pictures and hear how you were doing and hear the story of the birth and any other stories that you were willing to share. Then once you got to your office, or cubicle or whatever, you would have like 8 weeks (more or less depending on your leave) worth of emails to go through and most of them probably wouldn't even really be a concern to you anyway. Then someone would have to bring you up to speed on what you had missed while you away (any vital info and whatever random info they felt necessary to provide), and by the time all this is done, it's time to go home. Sonny thinks that the entire first week back would be a wash, because this is all it would be. It would take a good solid week to get back in a regular schedule.

Maybe I am wrong. But I have never been in this situation to find out. I mean after I had Lukin, I started in a new district where no one knew I had a brand new baby at home, and the same will be true this year. That's why I was wondering.

1 comment:

DJV said...

Ya the first day I really didn't get anything done but after that I got thrown back into the loop pretty quickly.