Thursday, November 19, 2009

Cap'n Crabby Pants

So today I am crabby. I don't really know why. I think because I have three days left at my job and a ton of things left to accomplish. Oy.

But the crabby continued when I got home because then I was all crabby at dinner over things that I don't need to get so worked up about: a kid with cancer on a basketball team, and more. I just have no patience (today) for this kind of stuff. In fact, I am too crabby to even get into why.

Tomorrow is the last day for the food drive at our school. I listen to the plea everyday and wonder why it's my job, as a substitute, to care about feeding everyone.

I guess I am just tired of everyone who thinks that they deserve a handout. I have days where I feel that I work my tail off and still have nothing to show for it, and it feels like no one else is in that boat ever. They are either the haves, or the sit at home on their ass and wait to become the haves, there are no have nots. I don't get it.


A. Rae said...

Well, there are people in need, no doubt. And on the other hand, there are those who feel entitled to things without working for them. But it's those who really have the need that we do these kinds of things (i.e. food drives) for.

Jesus did say "What you do to the least of my brothers, you do to me." (That's been drilled into my head since I started attending Catholic mass years ago.) Not an easy thing to do, some days.

I get all kinds of upset when people feel entitlement to handouts, instead of being thankful. There's a good example of this at my job, where there's a girl who has a baby and goes to school, and I get to hear about how much assistance she ISN'T getting (although, she is getting foodstamps, WIC and some daycare assistance). It burns me because she is getting some help, and isn't appreciative of it. But, you know, we've created a nation of dependence, or are well on our way to it.

Dan explains the christian obligation towards our less fortunate peers better, as I am not as eloquent as he. Even with legal aid (which is what he does), he feels there should be at least a $5 fee, so people wouldn't feel they are entitled to things without compensation. There are those who are very grateful towards his services - he's received gifts from clients such as throw pillows, a cheesecake and a print of a painting, so all is not lost with humanity inasmuch as gratitude.

I'm trying to teach myself to not get so mad at these kinds of things. It's difficult and doesn't happen overnight (so I hear - and you know how patient I am). I talk to Dan about these kinds of things, because he has a very good grasp of the nature of human vices such as anger, etc. It helps to at least hear a reasonable point of view. Mine is not always so reasonable.

LuckyVin said...

Hey dear! There are many other have-nots out here... who cant afford to sit on their bums all day at home and are not the haves yet but hope to move a little towards the haves side in the near future.. so don't think you are alone ;-)Hang in there! :)