Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Got a job?

I watch the news. It tries to tell me that the economy is on the mend and that the unemployment rate is dropping. I am not buying it. If everything is getting so much better, where are the jobs? More importantly, where is a job for me?

If you know me very well, you know that I freak out about money. I perpetually worry about not having enough. My husband knows this well enough to pretty much avoid ever talking to me about money. I melt down because, anyone who knows me knows that I was born to be a career woman, not a stay at home type gal and so staying at home and not making my own income kills me.

I don't ever remember any professor in any of my college classes saying that there was a likelihood of getting this degree and then having to roll it up and smoke it for all the good it was going to end up doing for me. I seem to remember them saying that there was this great need. Where the hell was that?

When I first entered the real world, I was so happy to have a 'real' job. I don't remember being overly worried about money, especially when I worked my 'real' job and worked weekends at my old job for something to do. But I wasn't worried. Now that I have two children and no permanent source of income, I am worried.

I shouldn't really complain. Currently, I am employed. But (and this will only make sense if you have ever worked in education) I am being paid for BA + 0 credits and 0 years when technically I should be making a salary of MA (BA + 60) + at least 6 years. That's quite a noticeable difference. It pisses me off too because I am helpless to do anything about it. As my husband says, it is a consistent source of income for a guaranteed amount of days. I could have not taken the job and hoped something better came along, and potentially sat with no pay.

I just pray that a permanent, full-time job reveals itself to me soon. One that I apply for and actually get offered to me. Like my mom said over the summer, I need a job for my own sanity.

1 comment:

A. Rae said...

We could have a party and roll up each of our degrees and smoke them. Except neither of us smoke, and I have asthma. But we could at least use them as placemats.

Sometimes you have to bide your time at a job for a while just for the sake of a.) having a job and b.) earning income. Granted, the income may not reflect your education and experience, but even Jesus washed the feet of His disciples.

Meaning, we all have to be humbled sometimes. It isn't a bad thing - I promise.