Tuesday, August 22, 2006

It's about Stinkin' time

Monday, August 21, 2006

It's about Stinkin' time
Okay, so I have been putting this off but, I think it is time that I have my very own blog. This way I can get back into the habit of venting when I need to, and then I won't have to tell the same stories twenty times to get everyone's input.Also, I figured that now that I there's a baby around, people might want an occasional update on what we are up to since I have gotten really bad about replying to 'real' emails.So is that all I have to say for today? I suppose I should write something 'real' so I can call it my first official blog posting.Let's see...Well, today Lukin and I came back from Fargo. We had flown up there to surprise my mom, sister and Grandma. It was fun. Exhausting, but fun. Although, three weekends in a row of going up north is plenty. That's too much traveling in too short an amount of time for me and the wee one. He's exhausted and sleeping, probably what I should be doing, but I will get there soon enough.While I was in Fargo, we did some shopping. I know I am too old for school shopping, but I still do it every year. It's like one of the perks of working in an educational field.But enough for tonight. I'll think of something cooler to write about for next time.
posted by Juniper Spangletoes at 11:02 PM 3 comments

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