Thursday, August 31, 2006

A "Just for Girls" entry.

So, today I was at work and I think that when I get stressed my brain tries to find a way to release. Anyway, I was in the bathroom and I realized that there was a 'feminine product' dispenser in there. And I noticed, as I have noticed before that one said: "tampon" and the other said: "napkin". Now I know what a tampon is, and I even know what it means when it says napkin. But does anyone else think it is weird that they use the actual word for tampon, but a different one for "pad"? I mean, why call it a napkin? This may seem crude but what am I supposed to do with it? Use it to dab the blood? Hello? It was probably invented by some man.

So I know that I should so be sleeping right now but I had to write an entry and I had to pick up the place as my husband cleaned because my friend Brenda is coming down tomorrow for "The Great Minnesota Get Together". You wanna know something weird? I lived in North Dakota for 27 years and never once went to the State Fair. I live in Minnesota for just over 1 year and this will be my second State Fair.

Okay, time to take the clothes out of the dryer, brush my teeth and lay down for pity's sake.

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