Sunday, August 27, 2006

Seasoned like Salt and Pepper

Okay, so I have been asked to make the font bigger for the older eyes that try to read this stuff. So hopefully, if you have 'old' eyes like my friend, you won't have any trouble reading this.

Well, I have a few things I want to comment on from the end of this past week and a few to comment on for the upcoming week. First of all, I want to comment on the new teacher workshops. It's funny how many people came in not knowing anyone who was going to be there, and then they introduced themselves to someone (maybe in their discipline or their school) and then they cling to each other for the rest of the workshops. I think that's funny. I'm not saying it doesn't apply to me. I just think it's funny.

Next, in attending all these workshops, I realized that I am not a novice at teaching. Nor am I a novice at teaching in special education. We were given this worksheet on Friday and were given this manual to help us find the answers. I didn't really need the book although our table pretty much doubted all my knowledge. Hello? People, don't you know how smart I am? So I am now going to refer to myself as being seasoned like salt and pepper, and not green, and not well seasoned like cajun.

Friday morning all the new staff met at the middle school for a meeting with the principal. He wanted to talk with us about some policies and procedures about the upcoming school year. He was explaining all these things and listening to him made my last school seem really ghetto. It was funny. When I was working at my last school, I never really thought of it as being ghetto. But listening to him talk about things like 'bomb threats' and 'fights between students' (both things I was through at my last school), made me feel like maybe I was moving up. That's good.

Friday night we went to the Vikings game and we took the train. On the way home, someone on the train must have gotten a phone call saying that the twins had won their game and suddenly everyone on the train started singing "Take me out to the Ballgame". It just shows how much everyone in the twin cities is proud of their teams.

Other than that, I am just trying to get the last minute purchases made before school starts and mentally and physically prep. One more week to go, here's hoping that I get everything done that needs (or that I want) to get done.

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