Wednesday, September 27, 2006

But I'm cool Amanda.

Thank you Amanda for reminding me what kind of AWESOME packer I am. Poor Sonny read the comments from you and was like, "Sure, she can say it and get away with it and you laugh but if I said it..." Love you Sonny.

If you haven't checked your email, please do so. We move on Friday and I have sent all the new info on how to get a hold of us.

Today on the drive home there was a UPS truck on fire on the side of the road. It was hard not to look, but at the same time I felt bad for the driver guy. That must suck.

Tomorrow will be my last blog until we move and get set up with internet again. That is supposed to happen on Monday so we will try to get to it then.

I had something really cool that I wanted to share but I don't remember anymore. Oh well.

I have packed all my wardrobe. That makes it feel like I have accomplished something.

Better get back to packing. I had 9 things on a things to do list tonight besides the regular list of 6 and I am on about number 3. Way to be me.

1 comment:

A. Rae said...

That's the priviledge of being a Gold Member (knowing Jennifer for 10 years or more), being able to mercilessly tease you about those kinds of things.

Everyone should pack like me: "Which garbage bag did I put my underwear in? Oh, it's right here in the bag with my socket set and lunchbox! Now, where did I put the cats...?"