Friday, September 08, 2006

Sorry it's been a while...

Okay, okay, okay. I know that some of you can hardly survive without my daily dose of humor (kidding), but I have been staying down in Eagan at the in-laws while they are in England (because it is way, WAY closer to work), and there is no internet there.

So what do I have to comment about? Well, we have successfully gotten through the first week of school. This is usually pretty uneventful for a speech pathologist because, at best, we get to meet our students, if that, and then spend the rest of the time letting them be in their regular classes to learn the ropes and setting up curriculum. Not this year, well not the second two days.

As some of you may not know, this year I am spreading myself pretty thin by working in a position that places me in three schools. M, T, and W, I am based out of a K-12 Self-Contained Setting (Setting IV). Then on TH, and F, I am at a Middle School. The Elementary School that I go to is during my time in the K-12 building.

The whole reason I am explaining this is because I wanted to say that in the middle school, instead of doing pull out this year, I am co-teaching. That started right away. It's interesting. It gives me a chance to meet some kids that are not on my caseload (even though I don't even know all of them yet) that are not in special education.

In fact, yesterday was such a whirlwind that I decided that I was totally stressed out by the end and that I didn't think I wanted to go back for Friday. One of the reasons being that I was given two students to case manage and they weren't anywhere to be found in my schedule. I panicked. Yuck.

What else do I know? I have met a couple really warm nice people so far. I am still feeling out some others and there are TONS of staff that I don't even know the names of yet.

My son has been pretty good this week. He had his four month shots this week. You feel really bad when they ask about his diet and you have to say that he gets some supplement throughout the day because when I am at work, he may buzz right through the breastmilk, if I remember it, and then still be hungry. Of course, one of the nurses from the hospital said that she had four kids: two breastfed, two bottle-fed and they were all fine. So I really shouldn't feel so bad if he gets a bottle or two each day, because overall he is getting mostly breastmilk.

My husband says that he never reads my blog. He jokingly says it's because "I live it." But then he adds if he is bored at work, he will read it. So basically, that gives me free license to complain about him. Not that I have any complaints right now. But just knowing that I have that opportunity is great. (Just kidding honey!)

So this past week I had a couple of dreams featuring my ex-boyfriend. It's weird because he was so happy and so happy to see me in the dreams. I don't know what that was all about but it gave me the creeps almost to see him that happy to see me. When I think back about our relationship, we came to a point in August or September of 2001 when I would lay awake and pray to God: God, if this is not meant to be, please give me a sign. And since you know me, you will know that I can't have some little subtle sign. I need the mother of all obvious signs. I eventually got this sign and have been out of the relationship for nearly 5 years now.

Today I was thinking about the relationship with him. His name was Greg, and when I think about it now, it reminds me of those couples that lived in the 50's. It was his place that he was paying for, and that I should be quiet when he comes home and take care of him while he provides for me. You know, that could be one of the thousand reasons why we are better to not be together.

Okay, I think I am gonna wrap this up. The first week of school and my feet are tired and my throat is sore from trying to talk over excited kids on a Friday afternoon. And even though it's a Friday, I may not even make it until 10:00 to go to bed. You know school has started again when...

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