Sunday, September 10, 2006

A Temorary Hiatus

Well, as those of you who read this will be sad to hear, but I will not be able to write many blogs this week. My husband and I (and Lukin) will be staying at my in-laws house while they are on vacation in England. We are staying at their place because it is way closer to where we work. That and we only have limited number of days left that we have to commute and this cuts those days down a bit.

So as some of you are aware, I need to get my butt going and start packing. We will be moving at the end of the month. My husband thinks it would be some kind of great idea to move a few days early. I don't agree because the last day of the month is on a Saturday and I don't work Saturdays so that works for me. But I will probably never understand his way of thinking so why bother trying?

This weekend I had the opportunity to get together with a couple of girls from my last school. Marisa and I went out for lunch and then she came over to see the baby. It was really fun.

Then one of the ladies that I worked with "owed" me a babysitting, so she came over to do that so my husband and I could go on a date last night. She didn't really owe me but she offered because I had helped her out last spring by writing a report for her while she was gone.

Okay, so there wasn't really anything funny to say today but at least I said something...silence is just so sad. Better go fold my laundry and get packed to head back down to Eagan.

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