Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Need a few more days in a week.

So as strange as this sounds, I need a few more days in a week. I need enough days to be a good speech path at my three buildings, to be a good mom, to be a good wife, and to have some friends again (living in the south part of the city is lonesome). So if we estimate that, I would probably need at least 4 full days at my .5 school, at least 3 at my .4 school and at least 1 day at my .1 school. Then I need at least 1 day for just friends, two days for being a good wife and three days for being a good mom. So if I was able to devote the entire day, with no distractions to that days deed, I think I would not feel so scatterbrained all the time. Of course, my weeks would have to have 14 day weeks. Wait a minute, I just need to have this cycle go in two weeks. But I may need longer days too. I will have to get back to you on that. :)

So I was worried that I was pregnant again. I can't remember to take my pills for love or money. Maybe if I had been on them for years and years, but 5 months just isn't long enough to engrave something in my scattered brain. I know that I didn't share this info with anyone but I wanted to wait til I knew for sure first. I got my visitor over lunch today so we don't have to worry anymore about having a brother for Lukin any time soon.

Today at work, something sad happened. I found out that one of the teacher's wife lost their second child. They went into the doctor two days ago and found out that the baby was dead. She is supposed to deliver it today. That really set the tone for the day. I feel bad for them. It's a depressing feeling.

That's all for now.

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