Tuesday, January 16, 2007

8 months, a gazillion boxes, and 2 teeth

So this weekend, Lukin because our eight month old baby. I was telling him this morning that he is growing up too fast. He probably hears, " Blah, blah, blah." He just likes to pull on my hair and my glasses in the morning. Although this morning, he was sitting in the hallway by the bathroom while I was doing my make-up and he was babbling. I kept trying to prompt him to say "ma-ma-ma", but he just wanted to say, "da-da-da-da". It was almost like he was doing it on purpose.

I think that Sonny and I need to discuss our plan for discipline for our son. I know that he is only 8 months old but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't be thinking ahead to what to do if/when he decides to disobey. I have heard people at work talk about how an 18 month old should know what time out is. But time out with an 8-month old is pretty futile. He doesn't get it. Although, it's not like he would understand a spanking either. We will have to figure this one out.

So this weekend, I was trying to go through some of the boxes that are remaining in our place. They are those boxes that you move with 800 times and then one day go through them and realize there is no reason why you need to keep a score card from the time when you and Dave had a Song Burst contest in college. And do you really need the paper that tells you who you were matched up with in a random computer dating thing in high school. Or what happens when you run across someone else's class schedule for college. Thank goodness you have been moving with that for however long. Or what about the journals you were forced to keep in high school? Do they really say anything that is of dire importance now, over 10 years later? I doubt it. So even though some of the stuff is hard to part with, it's just time to part with, (almost) all of it.

Last interesting thing about this weekend was that I was playing with Lukin on Friday after school before Sonny and my date. He wants to put everything in his mouth so I decided to see how his teething siutation is looking (and feeling). So I put my finger in his mouth to find that he has two teeth. The two front bottom teeth. It's cute, even though you can't see them when he smiles or cries. Although, I feel as though I better take as many pictures as I can before the teeth stick out and I won't be able to adore that toothless grin anymore.

Like I said, he's growing up so fast. Before I know it, he will be looking at townhomes with his girlfriend while they finish grad school.


Anonymous said...

2 teeth?? Really? My baby is growing up so fast!!! Lukin, stop growing up!!!I need to come see him....(sigh) K...love ya!

A. Rae said...

He'd better not be looking at townhome with his girlfriend when he's in college. Damn kid will beat me to the altar, I know it.

P.S. Spankings on the butt never hurt anyone - I mean, look how good I turned out. You know??

(I can see you rolling your eyes, by the way).