Wednesday, January 17, 2007


I wonder what my mother-in-law would write if she had a blog. I mean, not in general, but about our place. I know that I have gone on and on about how messy our house is on numerous times and I often wonder what she thinks of the place. (Although I have to say that this past weekend the in-laws were here with my husband's aunt and uncle and they said they were glad it was messy. They said that meant there were kids here.) I liked that answer.

But seriously. I wonder if she looks at all the snowmen STILL sitting on the counter or on the window ledge and thinks, "How hard would it be for you to put this stuff away?" Maybe she understands, having bore two children herself.

I guess it's just not something I ever anticipated. I mean, I can come home with the greatest intentions of accomplishing things (currently I have at least 6 things on my Big Things to Do list.), but then I get home and there's daddy and Lukin and I want to spend time with them and once Lukin has seen me, if I try to leave the room, he cries. That makes it hard to want to walk away to go clean up some boxes or put away snowmen.

So I need to go and check my email because the special ed coordinator wants all the speech people to come to one of two meetings tomorrow, and I originally didn't think I would be able to go, but now things have changed and I may be able to attend, but the building principal is being difficult. I'm sure he's just doing his job, but if the SEC wants us to attend, don't you think she has already taken into account that there will be students who won't receive some services for one day because of the meeting? Who knows?

Well, better go finish up stuff so I can go to bed.

P.S. Tonight I made a recipe for Lukin. It was Rutabega, Carrot and Peas. It ended up being a brown-poopy color, much like you would imagine the color to be if you mixed carrots and peas. I will let you all know how he likes it.

P.P.S. I should comment about my dreams one of these days. Two nights ago, I dreamed (or is it dreamt) that I was in Las Vegas with several of my high school classmates. It was like a reunion of some sorts. Except that I kept trying to go do my own thing instead of have to follow some high school schedule. Then last night I had a dream about Greg K. It was like we were in the ballet or circus or something and we had a cat. But you know how when you have a dream, it has some surreal characteristics that make you know it's a dream. There was something about this one that made me know it was a dream. Maybe it was the idea of me owning a cat. I can't know for sure.

1 comment:

A. Rae said...

...or maybe the surreal part of that dream was you and Greg IN a ballet.

Speaking of ballet, remember how I call "The Nutcracker" the "Ball-Wrecker"? I thought of that the other day whilst driving and nearly ran off the road pissing myself laughing.

I wish I could get full-coverage, but I'm not even sure it would cover negligence due to laughter.

I think working in healthcare makes me appreciate more the little things that make me laugh, because working in that field can suck the life force out of you if you let it.


Love, Me.