Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Not having more least not until Society stops sucking.

So today, as with every day since the beginning of the school year, I left my base school at about 9:10 or so to head over to my second school of the day. I leave right when all the buses are getting to my school, drive past another school where the buses are arriving full of kids, and head to yet another school where the buses and parents are just arriving. (And I have to say that I did well not to have to vent about this until now, knowing how patient I tend to be.)

Anyway, so there are two lanes of traffic: one coming and one going. Typically speaking, everyone gets that and waits their turn in line accordingly. Of course, there are times where people who are dropping off their children don't pull up to the very edge of the 'unloading zone' to let the kids out. This creates the daily headache of waiting in line.

Now, I think that I am a good person, because even though I don't have to go the way all the parental cars have to go (as I am trying to park to stay for a while), I wait patiently in the line. I usually sing along with the radio or something like that.

Today, I think that all people lost all rational thought. Today, people who were a good 6 or 7 cars back, thought that they had the right to go around all the other cars to drop off their kid first.

This really gets me going because I think about the example these parents who can't wait in line are setting for their children. Think about it. If you are so rude that you can't wait the additional 1-2 minutes to turn into the 'unloading area', then what kind of jerk are you anyway? This gets me angry about how these children are going to grow up feeling entitled to everything because that is the behavior that they see from their parents.

I mean, don't get me wrong. I have my moments where I feel that I am entitled to things. However, I don't think that I am entitled to them at the expense of someone else's safety. Especially when those other people are children in a school zone. I don't care if you a kazillionaire who has to be to work at 9:30. I don't care.

That leads me to my rant about being flippant. But I will save that for another day. I need to get some stuff done and get to bed. Have a good one.


Laurie said...

Deal with this every day. Though not to park. You might be a candidate for canonization. You should check into it.

A. Rae said...

Dude, I sympathize with your dealings with hubris. The big-wig a-holes at the hospital will come barging into my office demanding a private room for some administrator's step-daughter's boyfriend's grandparent, and they think that this is more important than say giving the private room to a person who actually NEEDS a private room because they are cytotoxic from getting so much radiation because of some life-sucking cancer.

I dislike people, for the most part.

You should put a push-bumper on the Alero and when some arrogrant prick decides to budge in line at the unloading dock, you could lay a patch and ram into the back of his Audi.


Juniper Spangletoes said...

I like the idea of the push bumper. I also like the idea of canonization. Or maybe both. Of course, that could be counterproductive.