Thursday, April 23, 2009


So today the Mythology assignment is, and I am not even kidding, to watch the Disney movie Hercules and answer some questions (20) about the movie. The first group had no problem with this. The next group threw a fit. They couldn't do questions if the questions weren't in order with the movie.


I can't even imagine how we could make these assignments any easier for you, and yet you still piss and moan because its' too "hard".

I wonder if some of these kids have ever considered the fact that if they were actually mainstreamed, today's assignment would have been a walk in the park compared to the day to day assignments you would have in a mainstreamed school.

It's a very "pregnant" day. I couldn't say anything when any of them threw their hissy because I would have lost it. I'm still on the verge now.


Stacie said...

Deep cleansing breaths sister, deep cleansing breaths!

A. Rae said...

In case of emergency, break glass, take out shovel, and beat kids with it.

Bald in Kentucky said...

In my day, kids didn't sass their teachers. Otherwise, they got educated with a stick!

Egads. This is our future.

Cheer up!!

Juniper Spangletoes said...

I used to love that saying Amanda. "Break glass, beat ass." It made me laugh, mostly because it was never that bad when I was doing what I was trained to do here. But Mythology? You kidding me?

A. Rae said...

It seems to me (from what I gather from your stories) that parents don't parent their children and expect the schools to do it - except the schools aren't allowed to do much of anything.

I'm not saying that the schools should raise the children - absolutely not - but this day and age of DON'T DO ANYTHING EVER LEST WE OFFEND OR SCAR THE CHILDREN, well, it doesn't help.

And that's not your fault at all - I feel bad that you have to go to work and deal with the end result of bad parenting, and/or fear for your safety around unstable teenagers.

Maybe there was something to Roberta Grumbo's ear-pulling...

Stacie said...

Maybe a hospital setting would be better? Especially if you're worried about your safety at times...just a thought! :)