Wednesday, May 27, 2009

36 week Dr. Appt.

I have now given two entries that had nothing to do with being pregnant and or being a mom, but that vacation is over.

This morning, I had my 36 week appointment. It went well. I got my final shot. I had a tummy check. They did the Group B Strep test (which I never made it to last time). I had my blood drawn for a final hemoglobin test. And she checked to see how I was doing.

Well, everything seemed good. Baby's heartbeat is strong. My BP was down to 117/76, the lowest it has been in quite a while (showing that the bedrest that she has put me on is paying off...or that's what she said...I'm pretty bored). And I guess I am not yet dialated at all, which is good.

In fact, we even talked a little about what we would do if we got to 39 weeks and weren't seeing any signs that labor was going to kick in on it's own. It was not really a talk I was expecting to have with my dr. today, especially since the last few times have shown my BP not improving at all.

But, I just wanted to update everyone. Things are going well and I am pretty happy about that.

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