Thursday, May 28, 2009

Spelling Bees and Freeways

Did anyone watch the National Spelling Bee tonight? I did. There was this kid, he was the only boy to make it to the top three. His name was Tim, and they had these random little facts about them and his had his favorite music group listed as They Might Be Giants. If you saw it, and you know who TMBG are, it was a perfect match. I could totally picture this kid listening to them.

(P.S. These kids make me proud. I wish I was that awesome of a speller. Congratulations to these kids for making it to the National Spelling Bee.)

So today I had another ultrasound and NST in St. Paul. After the appointment, I needed to run to Macy's at the MOA and then drop Sonny off at his car which was still at work as I had to pick him up in order to make our appointment on time. Anyway, he wanted to know which way we should go home. He was planning on getting on the freeway because it didn't look too bad. But it was at that moment that I had this inner panic attack about getting on the freeway, after 4pm, at the beginning of rush hour, at 36 weeks of pregnancy. I can't explain exactly which of those factors made me feel freaked out about taking that way, but needless to say, we didn't take that way, and I think that we did fine. I would take the back way home again, if I had to do it again.

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