Thursday, May 21, 2009

Understanding bedrest

So think about it. If you woke up in the morning and felt sick to your stomach or had a lot of aches and pains or something like that, chances are, you would stay home from work for the day. And chances are, if those were your symptoms, you would probably spend the day resting (that is if you didn't have any children to watch after). You might sleep on and off all day long and end up waking up feeling better the next morning.

Bedrest is not like that. Being on bedrest, well it is its own experience in itself. Since I have been restricted from going to work, I am forced to be at home and am supposed to be taking it easy. Last week, this didn't work so well, what with the birthday party to get ready for, but this week has been going a little bit better. Well, I guess it depends on the definition of better. If better means, taking it easy and resting more, then yes, it has been going better.

But, as you can guess, from the way I started this entry, this is not the happy ending. Being on bedrest isn't like being sick with the flu. My brain isn't feeling sick. It's not tired. My body is tired. My body is sore. But the two are not seeing eye to eye. So, even though I follow my doctor's orders and rest in the afternoon with Lukin, chances are, I will fall asleep with him and if I do that, then I can't sleep at night because I'm not doing enough physical activity (because I am on bedrest) to warrant being sleepy at night.

This was my problem last night, but thankfully, I had an ultrasound and NST today so I didn't get a nap and I have decided to take some Tylenol PM about an hour ago so that I can sleep tonight.

I guess I shouldn't complain. This isn't really about me. It's about making sure baby is okay and keeping baby "cooking" as long as we can before delivery. But it was pretty cute this morning when Lukin asked me two separate times if Baby Boof was coming today "Baby Boof Day?" I smiled when he asked, and said, "Not today Buddy."

1 comment:

Stacie said...

Aww! Tell Lukin auntie is excited for "Baby Boof Day" as well!! Take it easy and keep him/her 'cooking' a little bit longer!! :)