Tuesday, June 23, 2009


So there was a first at our house on Friday, in the early am. And no, it wasn't for Parker, it was for me. I got to take my first trip to the ER.

You see, I woke up around 1:30 with pain in my upper ab area. It felt kind of like a cross between being ravenously hungry and feeling like I needed to throw up. I got up to go to the bathroom and when I came back, Sonny said we should go to the ER. I felt so crappy that I didn't even argue with him.

We left to go to Urgent Care but they were not open, so we stopped at the gas station and got a 7up and came home to eat saltines and drink a little of that. I thought maybe if I did that, the feeling would pass and I could go back to bed. But an hour later, I was feeling worse instead of better and the pain had spread to my back. So off we went again, this time to the ER.

It turned out that it was my gallbladder. They did an ultrasound and saw that I have gallstones. I will need to have it removed, but thankfully they did not admit me (they let me decide. and since it was Friday and we have a newborn at home, they didn't argue with letting us leave seeing as we probably wouldn't get in for surgery that day anyway.)

So, on Monday, we met with a surgeon who recommended having it removed, and so that is what we will do, but we have to wait for the appointment lady to call us tomorrow so we can set that up. I hope it's soon because I don't want to be worried about this for the rest of the summer.

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