Today was my 37 week appointment and I had the option to be checked or not because it isn't required at 37 weeks, but will be from here on out. I chose to get checked because I wanted to know how things were progressing, if they were at all.
It turns out that my cervix is still 70% effaced, which is exactly where it was last week, and the big change is that I am now dialated to one centimeter where I was at zero last week.
I told my doctor today that I am pretty much ready to be done being pregnant. With my BP back up again (142/86), she is in agreement with me on that. She doesn't want me to go beyond 39 weeks.
So, this all comes back to when she was checking me. I remembered that it was painful last week, but today, I wanted to jump through the ceiling it hurt so bad. In fact, I was trying to inch away and away and away from her on the examining table. It brought tears to my eyes. When she was done, she told me and my husband that she separated something from, well, from whatever it is attached to. For the life of me, I don't remember what exactly she separated from what. I have tried to look online, but have had no success. Anyway, she did this to try to help my cervix make progress. She said that she doesn't want to have to use a ripening agent. I don't want her to have to do that either.
I will keep everyone posted as long as I can. And, I will try to pay better attention so that next time she tells me something (like what she just did) right after she makes me teary-eyed from pain, that I will be able to remember it better.
Best Buddy Walk
12 years ago
Excited to know there will be a new baby when we come to visit!! Also kinda sad because I was thinking this morning 'well maybe she won't go into labor until we are there and then I would get to be there for you.' I am still constantly checking my phone everyday just to make sure I haven't gotten a message from you saying it is time. Keep on keeping on, you're almost there!! :) Love you!
OH MY!!!!! That was painful when the doc did it to me, even though I really dont think it helped me along any.I dont recall the exact term for it, I just remember she was seperating something from something and it hurt like a bitch!!!!!!!
That's gross, moms.
Was it stripping the membrane? That is what they did to my coworker.
Gross, Deb.
Ding ding. I think Deb's got it! Like I said, she told me but I was trying not to cry so I don't really remember.
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