Thursday, May 24, 2007

Listen to yourself churn (tricky one)

Last entry's song title: It's Not Over by Daughtry

That was almost a fitting song choice seeing as last night was the finale of American Idol. Hmmm...

So, Sonny and I were working on the secret project tonight. I think I might be able to finish it tomorrow because after lunch I usually have a block of speech and then a block of prep and the block of kids will be on a field trip so I will be able to (fingers crossed) get it done tomorrow at work.

Today, I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off. I didn't even get to work until 11:30 because I was out and about in the district trying to get to all the meetings I was needed at. It was only two meetings but they took nearly 4 hours. Wait. 7:30 to 11:30, yeah, that's four. It's been a long day.

This year is draining everyone. Maybe everyone's brain just stops functioning at this point in the year. But the kids are pretty much as equally distracted as the staff Nice.

My mouth is still sore from the dentist on Tuesday. In fact, I think it is more so now. I feel like I can't even open wide enough for a tuna sandwich (I know this to be true because that was supper.)

And if it's not really enough that my mouth hurts, I had to call the eye place because ever since we went to get our eyes checked at the beginning of the month, I have been having headaches from time to time when I try to shift focus too quickly. I have another appointment lined up to meet (for free) with the contact lens specialist. The lady on the phone thought that maybe my new contacts corrected my near-sightedness but not my astigmatism. I didn't even know I had astigmatism. Of course, what does that lady know? She hasn't even ever met me.

I told Sonny that I needed to stop having appointments because the one that I had each for vision and dental has turned into at least two for the month. Nice.

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