So, today I was talking to my sister and I told her that tomorrow is Lukin's 1st birthday. And she was like, "But Jenny, he was born in May." I don't say anything. Then she says, "Gross!" I think she figured it out. The reason we knew was because today was the University of North Dakota vs. Winona State Football Game. So happy Birthday, little man!
I know that I have been away and that I probably have lots to say about the week but I am getting old and tired so I will try my best to think of as much stuff as I can.
Monday: Even though Stephanee wanted me to get into the classrooms this week to meet the kids and to provide in class services, Monday was not the day this was going to happen. I still had such a mess for a room. However, by the end of the day, I thought that I would see the light at the end of the tunnel eventually. I stayed until just after 5 working on stuff.
Tuesday: Worked with the Social Skills group. Still no pullout at school. I am still waiting for the tech person to get me a computer so I can do stuff, like check my email from the beginning of the school year.
Wednesday: I spend the hour before the kids come working on a tentative schedule for the day and am going to go into classrooms today to see all my kids (basically put faces with names). I make a schedule and am ready to rock, when I realize I forgot to add pumping time. I shifted things around but then the tech lady found me when it was almost pump time and so that didn't happen on Wednesday. This was okay because my husband and son came to see me after work and I just took Lukin into my office and breastfed him.
Thursday: To the other school. Deanna was there in the morning for a while and she helped to calm me so that by the end of my time there, I wasn't feeling like I had a million things to do there. She suggested of the 43 kids I serve there, I should only worry about becoming really familiar with the 8 kids that I am responsible for either case-managing, or providing solo service to. So that was my focus. Although I pulled my 4 kids that I have for artic group and thought that they would be compliant and quiet since they were new to the building. Not so much, they all already knew each other and so on day one they were little hellions. Then I sat after work because I had a meeting and cleaning until the meeting. I didn't get home until nearly 6:30, or shortly thereafter. It was a pretty long day.
Friday: Good day at school. Got my desk all cleaned off. That made it really awesome. Got to leave work about 3:10. This was good because then we had to go over to the townhome and fill out the paperwork. Sonny picks up the keys on Thursday, which I am happy about even though he is quick to point out the fact that I didn't want the keys a whole week before we were moving. After filling out the paperwork, we went back to the in-laws house and Sonny mowed while I fed Lukin and packed to come home for the weekend. We then went out to eat at Genghis Grill or GG. It was really good. I always just have seafood as my protein and this time I didn't and I picked chicken, sausage, ham and shrimp and it was soooo good. Yum. Then we headed north to go home and stopped at Cub on the way so I could pick up some groceries for Saturday.
Saturday: We had a little get together at Cami's house in Coon Rapids. It was fun. Kandi and Ethan were there. Kristine, and her two boys, Jacob and Adam were there. Sue was there (yes, that's the Sue that babysat last weekend.) Of course, Cami and Will were there. And as a surprise, Naomi was there. I have missed her and so it was a great surprise that she came. We had a great afternoon. At least I did anyway. I miss being around people who know me and so I don't have to say, "My husband or my son" instead I can say "Sonny or Lukin". I miss those people. I don't miss the cattiness of the administrator who non-renewed several people using the same line: "You are qualified but since I wasn't in on the hiring (of you) process, I am opening up the position again. I encourage you to reapply since you would have had experience in the district. Blah, blah, blah." Whatever. I don't even like to remember that. And even though I thought she was a nice enough person for the majority of the year, after that day, I have had such and uneasy feeling about her as a person. I just don't like her very much. I know that's mean, but who non-renews a pregnant newlywed?!? Come on.
I feel bad for going off about Paula like that. Pfff. Whatever. At least I wasn't writing this entire sensored entry. And it's not like she sees my blog, so whatever.
Little Man fell asleep in his swing about 2 hours ago and I took him out and laid him on the floor on a blanky and covered him with a snuggly one. He hasn't even moved. He must be a tired boy. Apparently getting bopped in the head with a singing bass makes a boy tired. We joked that by the end, Lukin wouldn't want to play with 'the boy in the blue shirt' aka: Will, again. I'm sure he was just a little scared, but I am sure he would play with Will, if he was a little older.
Well, I suppose I should go turn on the news. I can see lightning and I hear thunder and I don't want to lose this blog and have to retype it and think of funny things to write. Not that I was all that funny now, but again, whatever.