Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Pray for my luggage to arrive

We are now entering hour 65 of Luggage-gate. This means that my luggage still hasn't arrived. Needless to say, this is continuing to cause me stress. It is causing me stress on two levels, one is the fact that I am going to have to buy everything again. The other is that I don't have the stuff that I am used to having when I get ready for work or bed.

In other words, I am stressed about the amount of money I will have to spend to replace everything. I have already spent $85 and that was just to replace makeup (and some of it wasn't even the real makeup I use). That doesn't account for the clothes, my winter coat, my hockey jersey, my cosmetic case, my cosmetics, and my suitcase. The other thing is that I wish I had my stuff because in buying substitute make up, I didn't buy the quality stuff I usually get, I just bought some cheap stuff at Target. Now I am not saying there is anything wrong with that stuff, it's just that I don't know which formula to buy or what shade to buy. So I bought the stuff I bought and it was/is too orangy. I cried this morning because it's just wrong and I want my stuff back.

I hope the stuff comes soon because I miss having glasses. You don't realize how much you miss your stuff until you don't have your stuff anymore. I miss being able to take our my contacts and wear my glasses. I miss being able to lay in bed and watch Leno, but now I can listen, at best, because I can't see that well without my contacts in.

I am hopeful that this will come to an end today. I am hoping that God will answer my prayers and bring my luggage home. I am hopeful, but not confident.

Monday, March 17, 2008

All Around Bad Day

So, for those of you who have known me for 5 years or more, you may or may not remember that Stephanie passed away in March of 2003. If you have never tried to figure out how many years it takes for something to happen on it's original day again, it's five years. So Steph passed away on Sunday March 16, 2003 and yesterday was Sunday, March 16th 2008. We made the mistake of coming home before 8 pm last night and having nothing to do, we sat on the couch and I stared at the clock and remember what it was I was doing 5 years ago and that time. It was the worst hour I have experienced in a very long time. I just sat there and stared, and stared at the clock and it seemed to stand still. I began texting my sister to see how the game was going. That helped distract me a little but I still bawled for a good hour or so.

My poor husband, being the good man that he is, sat with me and held me. I kept apologizing because even though I knew him when Steph passed away, he had never met her, so my irrationality was lost on him. But he knew exactly what to say to one of my rants, "Just because I never knew her doesn't mean I don't care."

I guess maybe that is why we have tried to spend the day (or as close to the day as our work schedules allow) together with the people who were there, and who know. But this year, we were all spread out. Mom and Dad were together. Stacie was in GF with Mike and I was flying home alone.

And speaking of flying home alone and having a bad day, I came in at about 4:10. My suitcase is still not here. Because I was having a bad day already, that fact didn't make me any more chipper. Hope you all had a better Sunday than me. I hope they find it by tonight because I don't want do multiple days with no makeup and no coat. I'll keep you all posted.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Wake up Sonny.

It's been a good handful of days since I have written in here and in trying to think of something to write about, I thought I would share my conversation with my husband from yesterday afternoon.

I came home from work and Sonny was sound asleep in bed. In fact, he was snuggled in with the blankets right up to his chin. For a moment, I thought that maybe he was sick. Noticing that Lukin was not in his crib nor in bed with Daddy taking a nap, I assumed that Lukin was at Grandma and Grandpa's since they probably thought Sonny would need a good nap since we got home late and he didn't get a lot of sleep before he had to get up for work. But, I don't know when he is coming home so I decide to wake up my husband to ask him.

I nudge Sonny and he doesn't move at first. So I nudge him again and he startles into a semi-awakened state. He bolts upright and starts looking around mumbling, "What? Hmmph? What?" I can tell that he was in a deep sleep and that he is in that place where you are when you wake up from a deep sleep and are trying to figure out where you are, what's going on, and what time it is, all at once.

I tell him it's okay and that he can lay back down. He lays down but he still looks out of it. He keeps glancing at the clock, I think he is trying to figure out if it is 4:30 am or 4:30 pm. I ask him, "Where is the boy?" He stares blankly at me. For quite a long time.

I smile as I realize he still is in a daze and I continue, "Hi. You and I are married and we have a son. He's small and he walks around a lot and makes a lot of noise, 'Aaaaahhhh', like that. Do you know where he is?"

Blank stare continues.

"Is he still at your parents?"

I think it was at this point that he realizes that it is afternoon and that he isn't an hour late for work and he answers me. Life continues. Fade to black.

I think that was pretty cute. It was a busy weekend, from Montana to home to Fargo. I was very tired when I got home. I am still tired now. Oy.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008 I come!!

So I have never been to Montana before. But Sonny has to accrue some hours in the cockpit (called jumpseat-ing) and since flying to Montana would be a long flight, we are flying to Montana tonight. I took one of my comp days (days off that the district owes me) and I will be joining him. I am anxious to count Montana as another state that I will be able to say I have been to. I'll tell more, if I remember, when we come back.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Naomi's wedding

This weekend, I went to my friend, Naomi's, wedding. It was beautiful. I don't know about anyone else, but whenever I go to a wedding (which has been two since mine), I think about my wedding. I think about things I liked about my wedding, what I wished I could have done differently, and then critique that against the things I see at other people's wedding.

Naomi had a very pretty dress. And it had an accent color to it and the bridesmaids had that accent color dresses with white trim. They were very pretty. They had beautiful flowers that I guess were fake, but they looked real. They looked beautiful.

But what got to me most was the extravagant reception. I don't even want to know what the price tag for that event was. I can't even fathom. There were appetizers while we waited for the reception. There was a cash bar where keg beer and wine were free. There was a photo booth to take pictures in. Inside the reception the free flowing wine continued. There was 150 lbs of grapes spread over the tables for the guests to nibble on. The meal was wonderful. But I just can't even think about what that must have cost.

Now, I know that the cost of a wedding is relative. Some people believe that you only get married once and no expense should be spared. Others believe that practicality is important and that starting your life together debt-free is more important than having a fancy wedding that people won't really remember a week later.

I tend to agree with both of those. I think that it's okay to have a few things that you think you can't live without at your wedding. I mean, if you find the perfect dress, then have it. But there's also the practical side of me. If you can have the beautiful flowers that you are dreaming of made for a fraction of the cost, then do that because starting your life together in debt isn't going to be any fun.

And I don't think that my friend Naomi reads this, but if she does, your wedding was beautiful. It always brings a tear to my eye to see the groom get teary-eyed. The reception was fantastic. I don't know about the wedding cake or the dance because we had to leave but the canolli was wonderful. Oh and if you ever have time to speak to your speech-path-non-special-ed-coordinator-friends, give me a call!! :)