Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Naomi's wedding

This weekend, I went to my friend, Naomi's, wedding. It was beautiful. I don't know about anyone else, but whenever I go to a wedding (which has been two since mine), I think about my wedding. I think about things I liked about my wedding, what I wished I could have done differently, and then critique that against the things I see at other people's wedding.

Naomi had a very pretty dress. And it had an accent color to it and the bridesmaids had that accent color dresses with white trim. They were very pretty. They had beautiful flowers that I guess were fake, but they looked real. They looked beautiful.

But what got to me most was the extravagant reception. I don't even want to know what the price tag for that event was. I can't even fathom. There were appetizers while we waited for the reception. There was a cash bar where keg beer and wine were free. There was a photo booth to take pictures in. Inside the reception the free flowing wine continued. There was 150 lbs of grapes spread over the tables for the guests to nibble on. The meal was wonderful. But I just can't even think about what that must have cost.

Now, I know that the cost of a wedding is relative. Some people believe that you only get married once and no expense should be spared. Others believe that practicality is important and that starting your life together debt-free is more important than having a fancy wedding that people won't really remember a week later.

I tend to agree with both of those. I think that it's okay to have a few things that you think you can't live without at your wedding. I mean, if you find the perfect dress, then have it. But there's also the practical side of me. If you can have the beautiful flowers that you are dreaming of made for a fraction of the cost, then do that because starting your life together in debt isn't going to be any fun.

And I don't think that my friend Naomi reads this, but if she does, your wedding was beautiful. It always brings a tear to my eye to see the groom get teary-eyed. The reception was fantastic. I don't know about the wedding cake or the dance because we had to leave but the canolli was wonderful. Oh and if you ever have time to speak to your speech-path-non-special-ed-coordinator-friends, give me a call!! :)

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