Monday, April 19, 2010

Perfect Work Environment

My best friend says that she can't remember a time when I was ever happy in my line of work. That could be true. I can't remember. I remember happier times but my husband says that I have always had a list of complaints about almost every school I worked in.

For example, the last school I worked in only paid it's long-term subs a slightly higher rate than daily sub pay. That sucked.

The school before, well it wasn't full-time in one building.

The school before, I had to teach 3 periods worth of classes. I am not sure how one is supposed to take individualized language goals and teach a coherent class with it.

So, it should go without saying that my present job is not without it's complaints.

So today I was comprising my Perfect Job Environment list. Here goes:

1. Personal workspace. I have never before worked in a spot where I would get kids and then not know where I was going to work with them because there isn't currently space for more than one SLP, even though we have three.

2. A computer. This is also the first school where there wasn't a computer that I could use when I needed one. It's also the first school in MN that I didn't just automatically get my own computer when I signed on at the school. So it goes without saying that when an EA takes the computer home over the weekend and leaves it there, that I might be a tad upset when I can't do any of my computer work on Monday. I'm just saying.

3. Trust. Most districts that I have worked in trust that I know what I am doing and don't try to dictate when or how I can see my students. They have trusted that I provide the best type of service to fit the needs of the student.

4. Social Interaction. I like when the people I work with also become my friends. Most of the people on my postcard list are former co-workers. I miss having co-workers to go do stuff with, whether it be go out for someone's 40th or go to Sam's Club to buy candy for a wedding, or go to Target to buy candy for our prize cupboard, or go to dinner at Paradiso, or to a co-worker's for a haircut. I miss all that.

5. Respect. My husband says that no matter where one works, they will never get the level of respect that they would like. That may be true. I don't know. I would just like to work in an environment where speech is a valued service and we are respected because of the service we bring.


Anonymous said...

I didn't really have to see your profile to recognize one who is also Libra. I am one and am married to one. We are all brilliant, but others do not give us the credit for being so.

Anonymous said...

You are preaching to the choir sister! I am so with you on the wants and needs of a perfect work environment!