Monday, April 07, 2008

Laid back weekend

This weekend we stayed at home and it was nice because I don't even remember the last time that we did that. I suppose that if I would have known that Sonny didn't work before the weekend was actually upon us, I would have suggested going somewhere. But I am glad that I didn't know because it was nice and relaxing to stay home.

I don't remember doing anything on Thursday night. I think we just stayed in and watched the new "Earl" on tv. On Friday, we didn't really do anything all day, but had date night that night. We went to a place called Harry's Cafe in Lakeville. It was good. I highly recommend that you order the veggies instead of fries or onion petals. We ordered dessert to kill time because we were going to a movie and you can see the theater out the window. The dessert was HUGE. I mean, I ate a little bit, and then we took it home and we shared it three ways yesterday. It was way better heated up in the microwave. Anyway, then after dinner, we went to 21. That was a good movie. I recommend that. That is if you like blackjack. Of course, you don't actually have to know anything about it to watch the movie. It just made it more interesting for me since that is what I did as a job to make money in college and for fun money as a grown up.

Saturday, we went to Burnsville Center. I saw an old friend, Kellie Jacobson, there. She lives in Savage now and is expecting a baby boy in two weeks. We talked for a few minutes and I hope we get in touch again. It would be fun to see her and catch up with her, especially after she has her baby. I love babies!

Yesterday was a pretty laid back day. We went over to the inlaws for lunch. Then we left Lukin there so we could go and experience ALDI. That is a low key grocery store. You have to pay for a cart, you have to pay for bags. We didn't use any bags because we brought our own, but you know. Everything in the store was so super cheap it was unbelievable! I bought a big bag of the TGIFriday Cheddar Bacon chips for a buck. Usually, I have to pay 85 cents for a mini bag from the vending machine at work. Wow.

I had something else that I wanted to say but now I can't remember. It was something cute about Lukin. But I can't remember. Oh well. Better start taking the gingko biloba.

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